piece by piece 

a flake. 

a flake for each boy ive parted my lips for. making room for their pride and spitting out my dignity. swallowing every notion they give to me, as meaningless and spiteful as they sounded i absorbed them. played them back in my head a thousand times. opened my mouth to return the favor, but my words bounced right back. as if it never mattered. 

a sliver. 

a sliver for the boy in the blue vest, eyeing me from across the room. telling me im beautiful. more beautiful than my friends. more beautiful than his ex. more beautiful than my ex deserved. thats the part that won me. but in his head hes silently plotting the makings of an unmade bed. tussled from his satisfaction and smothered with my emptiness. his teeth are clenched because even though im beautiful, hes forgotten my name. 

a piece. 

a piece for all the faces that have faded. they each got a piece of their own. a piece to hold and hurt and wipe away their tears. a piece to mean something. expecting more and more of me, but eventually my laughs and smiles turned to eye rolls and ignored text messages. i lost the will the be accepted and gained the responsibility of misery. not after long they left. ultimately being my fault. i didnt think it would bother me, until i realized how many of them there was. 

a chunk. 

a chunk for every knife thats stabbed me in the back. promised me one thing, while doing another. reminding me how terrible i am. how many mistakes ive made. then watching them desperately trying to pull it out and act like nothing happened. act like the scars dont exsist. act like it was my fault in the first place. i guess it was. 

a wedge. 

a wedge for the boy who held me for days. held my hand and my hair and my waist.  i dont think i stopped smiling the entire year he ran his fingers through my hair. your smell is wedged in my pillows and the feel of your lips is wedged in places of me i cant bare to let another explore. the pieces of you that you left with me arent worth much. nothing compared to the piece i gave you. 
i know why i feel so empty. because i have nothing left to give. 

12 thoughts on “piece by piece 

  1. this is very touching , We can easily relate to it, for all the mistakes we’ve made, for the times our heart were broken, for all the empty promises. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thank you!! i hope we all find some form of peace and love! i read your piece! its so simple yet deep and beautiful. thank you for sharing!! i would comment on it but im terrible with technology and cant figure out how. lol.


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